Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Filming and Editing Practice-

So we don't make lots of mistakes when we film our actual music video we had a try out filming 'Fake Tales of San Francisco' which is a song off the first album by Arctic Monkeys. I came across a few problems as only two of the band members I used were able to help out which meant recording different parts of the song separately. As well as this, they had no backing track to mime along with so timings were difficult. Despite this I think the video has worked reasonably well and will help us learn how to make things run smoothly when we actually film the band part to our video.

I experimented with lots of different shots so that the video stayed interesting as a lot of videos where we are just watching a band playing can feel a bit boring. I used close ups on instruments such as the foot on the bass pedal on the drums, the hands on the necks of the guitars and close ups of the singer. These allow the audience to understand the music more and in a way visually see what they hear. This was good to practice with synching the movements in time with the actual track.

Other shots I used were over the shoulder shots of the other band members so we could see the other person but still get a feel of what the other was doing. It also gave a more perspective shot so the audience felt like they were there. I often did shots where I move into them from different directions rather than dead pan shots because it fits with the upbeat fairly fast paced music and more movement makes it appear as if more is going on. From about 1.05 I start to turn the camera onto a canted angle which then becomes horizontal. This was at the part in the song where it gets more chaotic and loud with two distorted guitars playing together so I wanted to show the change in music visually and to throw the audience off.

I occasionally put a red filter over the shots to experiment with what it will look like as it is something we are considering for This House Is A Circus. I liked the effect because it makes it look more serial which is what we want to get across. 

- Rebecca.

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